Good Blog – True Goods
Good Blog
Rethinking Clean ~ 5 Reasons to Detox Your Household Cleaners

As a culture we’ve gotten it into our heads that if we’re not being vigilant, we’re not being clean. At True Goods, we challenge that mindset. Caustic chemicals are not necessary components of a clean home and can cause more harm than good. Here are five good reasons to dump your harsh cleaners in favor of milder, more natural alternatives.

Breast Cancer Linked to Plastics

Many of us are aware that in the grand scheme of things plastics aren’t that great for the human body. There are many harmful chemicals associated with plastic, including BPA, a chemical “hardener” that is associated with endocrine disruption in the human body. The daily exposure and inhalation of toxins definitely adds up. Unfortunately, plastics are so ubiquitous that it’s unlikely their manufacture will cease anytime soon. It’s time that we measure success as a nation by improvements in human health, not just economic progress.

How Toxic Is Your ‘Natural’ Shampoo or Soap?

We all know toxic chemicals are all around us. But as much as we try to be vigilant and selective with the food and personal products we buy, sometimes there are toxic chemicals hidden behind the “natural” or even organic label. A recent study by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) revealed a...

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Something’s Fishy with Farmed Fish

Did you know... Global farmed fish production now tops beef production? And that this year, for the first time ever, people will eat more fish raised on farms than caught in the wild? Fish is widely thought of as a healthful and environmentally friendly alternative to beef. But farm-raised fish...

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Why BPA Won't Go Away

Bisphenol A (BPA) remains on top of the charts of high profile chemicals, holding this dubious distinction for several years now. While toxicologists don’t really have a top 40, it’s obvious that this one is the poster child for what can go wrong with today’s designer chemicals.